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如果动物爱好者想在Facebook上观看人道协会最近的直播, they needed to have their evenings free.

A crew of eight employees from The Humane Society of the United States 3月下旬,HSUS飞往韩国,救助生活在狗肉农场的狗. Yes, that’s exactly what it sounds like. 这是该小组第七次出于同一目的前往该国. These aren’t PETA-style guerilla missions; the Humane Society works with farm owners who want to get out of the business. It destroys all the cages and shelters, brings the dogs back to America, then helps the owner transition into a new type of work. 该组织在当地时间凌晨进行直播,所以视频在东海岸大约晚上8点播放.m. the previous day.

听到一个任务是一回事,但亲眼看到它更有力量. The Humane Society’s supporters agree, because an average of 1,000名观众收看了该组合在韩国的三场直播, delivered via Facebook Live. On-demand views pushed that number higher. 观众看到了救援人员所面临的严峻条件, with grimy cages stacked one on top of the other. 他们还看到了被救动物的脸,有些害羞,但许多充满希望.

After 7 days in the country, 3月26日,人道协会的工作人员乘坐一架满载55只获救狗的飞机返回. The lucky pups are getting forever homes in the U.S., while The HSUS got national press for its work.

“很明显, some people are very sensitive about people eating dogs,” explains Frank Loftus, senior director of video for the Humane Society. “We don’t get into that at all. 我们保持乐观,因为这些农民正在改变他们的生活. 他们可能在几年前就陷入了困境,他们想摆脱困境,所以我们在帮助他们. We don’t portray the farmer as bad. 我们把农民描绘成一个改变他们生活的好人.“自1997年以来,洛夫特斯一直断断续续地与人道协会合作.

3月, 人道协会的工作人员飞到韩国,拯救生活在狗肉农场的狗, and streamed the rescue live on Facebook.

This wasn’t The HSUS’s first experiment with live video. 几十年来,它一直是一种吸引人们参与其工作的方式, but it’s still learning and improving the process. In South Korea, 它使用LiveU Solo蜂窝多路复用设备从偏远的农村地区上传, and achieved a 5 Mbps stream. 马里兰州的一名团队成员能够连接到LiveU活动, start the live stream, and send it to the Facebook Live account. 她还能够与远程团队成员进行沟通,以便每个人都知道正在进行的工作. That setup was new for the team, 这个过程让现场的人更容易进行流媒体拍摄.

A Long History of Streaming

The Humane Society first livestreamed in the late 1990s, 当视频是邮票大小和超低分辨率的时候. 1999年,它使用RealNetworks和CONUS对一场无皮草时装秀进行了视频直播. To send the 176x132-pixel stream, it needed a fiber uplink to RealNetworks in Seattle, where the video was sent out across the world. 美国人道协会当时有一个真实频道,叫做动物频道. 当它刚开始流媒体播放时,怀疑论者怀疑谁会在电脑上看视频.

当时的视频直播成本要高得多,尤其是在偏远地区拍摄时. After the fashion show, 人道协会的拍摄受到限制,因为它没有资金购买卫星卡车. 2015年12月,当telesstream Wirecast推出了一款针对移动设备的YouTube直播应用程序时,它开始提供更多的直播视频. 在那之后,它尝试了Periscope和许多其他出现的实时平台.

直到2016年,动物保护协会才开始使用LiveU Solo. That was a big upgrade, 因为以前需要用手机拍摄远程视频, but connections weren’t always strong or reliable.

Frank Loftus, senior director of video for the Humane Society, 他说,直播视频“与制作出来的视频有完全不同的感觉”. There’s no music, there’s nothing. It’s just raw." 

“我们的很多救援工作都是在手机信号不是很好的偏远地区进行的, 所以在LiveU出现之前,我们尝试在手机上使用它, and it was very iffy,” Loftus explains. “I remember standing in one spot where I had one bar, being able to do a live shot from a rescue, 我们什么也看不见因为我们必须待在那里等待信号. 与LiveU, using their bonding, 我们非常有信心我们能够上线, especially if you’re using different carriers.”

lottus已经从成功的直播中学到了一些东西. 因为人们发现和分享流需要一段时间, 他试图让活动持续几分钟以上. 他说,只要内容吸引人,他就会继续流媒体. The organization has had streams for up to 20 minutes, 尽管lottus承认很难让一场活动保持10分钟以上的趣味性. Mostly, they run between 5 and 15 minutes.

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